We the People
Here we are again
Same shit from yesteryear
This time we knew better
Not to fail –
But we did
We the people
Chose a felon
Voted for a rapist
Checked the box
For a liar
It’s who we collectively are
It’s not the party
It’s the man
unfit to lead
An unhinged elitist
Not a genius
Just a wrecking ball
We the People
Chose retribution
Picked chaos
Embraced hate
Composed fear
We call it strength
America – do better
We the People – be better
Because here we are again
Torn apart by false rhetoric
With some very good people
On both sides
I know them well
Yet the divide gets deeper
We the People
Need to remember
To love our neighbor
Regardless of color
Red or blue
No more walls
America – do better
We the People – Be Better
At listening to neighbors
Turning off the noise
Tuning in to conversation
Bridging the divide
Once and for all
We the People
Come together
Understand the other
Not as enemies
Working together
While we still can
America – do better
We the People – be better
We have four more years
to practice peace
Pops 2024