St. Paddy’s

Missed Minutes of Heaven

That time you drove past the single mom
Changing a tire in the rain
You didn’t stop to help
And missed a few minutes of palpable joy
Or when you scolded the dad at the store
Buying last minute diapers
With a screaming child
And brought hell into play for your own peace
And the time your child needed comfort
After being laughed at in school
Instead you quoted
A long dead maxim that ignored opportunity
You open a door that is quickly slammed
When you rush intimacy
Into gratification without gentleness
And the chance to whisper love instead of shout
You miss minutes of heaven every day
When you are not present
Not looking for moments
To bring joy and love to the world you have
May you see that you have enough heaven
To last for eternity
In your moments on earth
Time only matters in the realm of kindness
Pops 2021


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