Making Waves
Pillars of Strength

New Year's Evolution

This year's end some items I've missed
in making my New Year's list
of actions to hold the year through
that last a week, maybe two.

No weight loss nor organization,
on my list no savings inflation.
My list will be clear of to do's
instead it's a new life I choose.

This year's end I will not resolve,
but instead make a pact to evolve
into someone I rather would find
as I leave this extinct self behind.

From primordial ooze I'll step out,
a life form that's higher, no doubt,
learning new things with every stride
letting old things wash out with the tide.

This year's end no matter the cost
of leaving behind what I've lost,
an origin of species to claim,
to survive as the fittest my aim.

Not to worry the friends I hold dear
and my family both far and near,
this evolutional new year you'll see,
just a much better version of me.

Pops 2014 ---> 2015


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